How much is too much?
Yesterday was Sunday. Two days ago I learned that my grandmother had had a serious stroke and wasn't expected to live long. In my Sr. High Sunday school class I was teaching about what Jesus had to say about families/honoring mother & father. Jesus certainly was consist in his teachings, but the family thing might appear to be inconsistent if you aren't willing to look deeper. I used my real time problem regarding my grandmother as an example of what I should do. I live 1500 miles from my extended family. If my dad had called to say, "We need you to come home now" on Saturday, what should I have done? In Matthew 8:20-21 Jesus says to let the dead bury their dead and follow Him. Yikes. So would I have missed my Sunday ministries in order to go home to Ohio? That was the question I wrestled with to provide an example for the students. It was tough. I didn't break down or anything. (I did that during the 8am worship.) I didn't accuse anyone of anything. We just tried to reason it out.
What do you think? Was that appropriate?
What do you think? Was that appropriate?